About Dr. McCastle

Welcome to the about page of Shawn McCastle, Ph.D.

Shawn McCastle, Ph.D., is a highly accomplished scholar and practitioner, with a deep and abiding commitment to improving the lives of individuals and organizations through strategic planning, coaching, and intervention. His impressive educational background and diverse professional experience have uniquely prepared him to be a leading voice in the field of business and human resources management.

Dr. McCastle's pursuit of knowledge began early in life, and his innate curiosity and passion for learning have driven him to achieve exceptional levels of academic excellence. He holds an Associate of General Studies from Northwestern State University of Louisiana, two Bachelor of Arts degrees (in Organizational Management and Psychology) from the University of Arizona Global Campus, a Master of Science in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from the University of Phoenix, a Master of Business Administration from the University of the People, and a Ph.D. in Management (Marketing) from LIGS University.

Dr. McCastle's academic achievements reflect not only his intellectual prowess but also his unwavering dedication to service and his profound commitment to improving the lives of others. His doctoral dissertation, titled "The Coadunate Existence of Psychological Contract Breach, Non-Death Loss, and Non-Bereavement Grief: Interview of the Experiences of District of Columbia Special Police Officers," represents a seminal contribution to our understanding of non-death loss and grief in the workplace. His research on the intersection of artificial intelligence and human resources management is also groundbreaking, with the potential to revolutionize the way we think about value chain efficiency.

Dr. McCastle's professional experience is equally impressive, with a broad range of roles spanning worker, supervisor, manager, director, subject matter expert, owner, and executive coach. This diverse background has given him a unique perspective on the challenges faced by individuals in different roles and industries, as well as an unparalleled ability to empathize with and support the needs of decision-makers at all levels.

Beyond his academic and professional accomplishments, Dr. McCastle is also an ordained minister and has a wealth of education and experience that uniquely qualifies him to mentor, coach, and consult with individuals and organizations seeking to achieve their full potential. He has served as a community volunteer in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and is a member of several honor societies and professional organizations, including the Golden Key International Honour Society, the Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society, and Toastmasters International.

In conclusion, Dr. McCastle, is a highly accomplished scholar and practitioner whose passion for learning and dedication to service have propelled him to the forefront of the field of business and human resources management. His broad range of expertise, combined with his unwavering commitment to improving the lives of others, make him an invaluable resource for decision-makers at all levels seeking to achieve their full potential.